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Laura's Summer Dance Camps

Mini Dance Camps for Preschoolers

Ages 3-5


- Section A  May 28- May 31

            Tues..-Fri. 1:30-3:30

- Section B  July 15- July 18

            Mon.-Thurs. 1:30-3:30


Students will do creative dance including dance steps, improvisations, dance-a-story, rhythm instruments, movement games, and dancing with props. Informal performance during the last day of camp.

Fee for each section:  $160



Dance Camps for older kids


Dance Camp 1   For children entering Kindergarten or Young Fives   

June 17- June 21. M-F 1:30 - 4:30


Dance Camp II - for children entering 1st grade

July 8-July 12 M-F 1:30-4:30


Dance Camp III- for those entering 2nd through 5th grades

 June 24- June 28 1:30-4:30


A combination of modern dance, ballet, and improvisation. Students will learn dance technique, watch short films of professional dancers, learn a dance to be performed on the last day of the camp, and make up their own


Fee: for each camp: $275


DanceVisions - A community dance center in Palo Alto

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